Information Technology
IT Status Updates
View the IT Status PageNeed technical support? We're here to help!
Walk-ups are welcome during normal business hours on the first floor of Blackmore Library. Can't make it to campus? We've got you covered.
Phone: 614-236-6508
IT Help Desk Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8 am - 8 pm
Friday: 8 am - 5 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
IT Maintenance Hours
During these hours, some IT services may be offline due to maintenance, upgrades, and updates.
Sundays: 7 am - Noon
Thursdays: 8 pm - Midnight
IT Services
Client Services
Client Services Team is all about the end user experience, whether that be Student, Faculty, or Staff. This includes management of the Help Desk, University IDs, Classroom A/V technology, and all campus computers, including labs and public workstations.
Infrastructure and Security Services
Infrastructure & Security Services Team manages the integrity and security of the institution’s telecommunication, server, data center and networking infrastructure. Infrastructure services maintains and supports file storage, printing, email, voice mail, telephones, cable, user accounts, security cameras, Wi-Fi/Internet and on-premises/cloud-based services.
Enterprise Applications
Enterprise Applications Team maintains and supports the Colleague Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software across Student, Human Resources and Finance systems, together with the ERP built-in myCap online interface, and data querying/reporting capabilities through Informer. The Enterprise Applications Team also supports data feeds and integration with Cloud systems such as Slate (Admissions), ACES (Admissions-Law), Perceptive (document imaging), Parchment (automated transcripts), 25Live (scheduling), eRezlife (Residence Life), Maxient (student conduct), Campus Labs (student success) and others.